Ms. Nicole Robinson

Nicole Robinson has a B.A. in Anthropology and Biology from the University of Toronto and Carleton University, and an M.A. in Anthropology from Carleton University. Her studies focused broadly on providing culturally safe care to Aboriginal peoples, particularly those struggling with drug and/or alcohol dependence. Prior to joining the SOGC, Ms Robinson worked for the National Aboriginal Health Organization as a research officer for the First Nations Centre, and a program manager for the Office of Women and Urban Health. From 2001-2008, she worked as a research assistant and research manager for the Ottawa Health Research Institute and Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre on multiple research grants exploring optimal mechanisms of translating knowledge into action in various health care settings. Ms Robinson continued to work in the field of knowledge translation from 2010-2011 at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. As a woman of Métis, Welsh and English heritage, Ms Robinson is dedicated to using her education and work experience to work towards improving the health of Aboriginal women in Canada.