Dr. Pierre Lessard

Dr. Lessard received his Medical Degree from Laval University in 1971. He interned in Québec City before leaving for West Africa for two years with CUSO. In 1974, he went from the Sahara Desert to Toronto, Ontario, where he entered a residency program in Obs-Gyn under Professor John Harkins. He completed his residency in Québec City where he practiced for a short period of time.
Dr. Lessard and his wife, Ms. Paula Lessard moved to Yellowknife, NWT, in 1980. He was the Obs-Gyn consultant for the Western Arctic. He was quite involved with the local medical community and the NWT Medical Association. He was the Medical Director for Stanton Regional Hospital from 1991 to 2001. He has been implicated with many SOGC committees. He founded and chaired the Aboriginal Health Initiative Committee from 1994 to 2001.
Dr. Lessard and his family moved to Kingsport, Nova Scotia in 2001. Since early 2002, he has been involved with Annapolis Valley Health (Kentville, NS), first as VP Medicine and now as an OR assistant. He is the French-language Health Services Coordinator for the District.